What are Compression Garments?

Compression garments help to alleviate lymphedema by reducing mild swelling. Our therapist usually do multi-layered bandaging for severe lymphoedema.

The garments vary in degree of pressure. A normally fitting garment should satisfy the criteria below:

  • cover the swelling

  • allow normal movement

  • Without any baggy or loose areas

  • Comfortable, supportive while not being too tight

  • Personal fit

  • Replace every 4 to 6 months

You should wear the garments during the day and take them off at night.

How to keep your garments in good condition?

Use the washing instructions with a mild washing detergent. The garment should not be dried in a drier. The garment should be dried flat. Our therapist will measure you every few months. Therefore, there will be repeat prescriptions for the garment if the swelling is not changing and if they don’t fit well.